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short introduction



My name is Annie Schnitzer and I was born in Hunan, China but grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. I have just completed my second year at Wellesley College and am currently doing a summer internship with an organization in Dresden called the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk, Sachsen. Although I am interested in German history and Engineering, I also care deeply about political and social justice issues in both the United States and Europe.


I am Till and I am 19 years old. I was born in Dresden and I am still living in Dresden. I attended the Hülße-Gymnasium (Dresden Reick) and also finished my high school there. After my graduation I started my Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ) at the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk, Sachsen e.V. organization. I am very interested in politics and I am especially active in the antifascist scene.


Fairquer: How have you experienced political development in the last few years in your country and how have you observed it in other countries?

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